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Showing posts from March, 2022

Role of Admixture in Precast Concrete

 With shifting global markets, increased customer expectations, and increasing labour costs, the precast concrete industry is constantly innovating. Productivity, quality, and bottom-line profits are always on the minds of producers. Additionally, the heightened awareness of environmental issues, coupled with a greater emphasis on project life-cycles, has meant more demand for environmentally friendly construction practices, especially regarding the reduction of waste, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy consumption. It is no surprise that concrete is one of the major construction materials and the most abundant material produced around the world. This has driven the development of new concrete technologies both in general and specifically for precastconcrete . As a result, a number of concrete types have been developed, including fibre reinforced concrete, polymer concrete, Ferro cement, sulphur concrete, lightweight aggregate concrete, autoclaved cellular concrete, high-dens...